• Students are required to observe due silence during classes and at intervals
• Students are not allowed to organise any meeting or to collect money for any purpose without the prior permission of the principal.
• Punishment, fine, imposition, suspension or dismisal may be imposed on students for breach of discipline according to the gravity of action. In case of disciplinary actions the decision of the principal is final. Without sufficient reason the students neither come to the college before 15 minutes of the time fixed for the commencement of the class, nor shall they remain in the college premises after the dispersal of the classes.
• Students in the forenoon shift should vacate its classes and leave the campus immediately after the long bell so as to facilitate the class arrangement of the afternoon shift. Students are strictly forbidden from entering other classes or loitering on the veranda.
• Students should observe strict modesty in dress. T-Shirts with or without collors (shirt colar) are prohibited for boys. Girls may desist from wearing tight outfits.
• A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory for annual promotion.
• Students shall always carry their identity cards in the campus and should show it on demand by any of the staff member.
• Smoking, use of intoxicants, panmasala, and narcotic substances are strictly forbidden.
• Mobile Phones will not be allowed inside the campus and violation of that will be punishable as per law (impounding receiver / imposing fine etc.)
• Furniture in the class room should not be dislocated or damaged. All willful damage will be penalized and the cost will be recovered. Any disfigurement, dislocation or damage to the college building, water supply facilities, electrical installations, gardens and premises will be punished and cost of damage will be recovered.
• Ragging, teasing, intimidating, harassing and use words of abuse etc. on junior students or to girls within the campus will come under the purview of ragging Act and invites severe legal actions and immediate expulsion from the college.
• Students are prohibited from entering the campus on two wheelers without proper documents and helmet. They shall obey parking rules, violation of which will invite disciplinary action.
• Defaulters of fee will have to pay a fine of Rs.10/ for the first 15 days and Rs.20/- for the next 15 days and Rs.30/- for the days thereafter.
• If the fee is not paid within 3 weeks from the due date, the student will be removed from the rolls without further intimation. If the student is eligible for re-admission on reasonable grounds he will be liable to remit Rs.300/- as re-admission fee.
• Those who remit fees fully in advance at the time of admission they will be eligible for a reduction of 10% of total fee amount
• Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.